Looking for a Chiropractor in Fareham and the surrounding areas?
The team at Life Effect can help you to regain control of your life.
Free initial consultation – We offer free first consultations, at no obligation, so that you can come down and see what it’s like.
On-site facilities – Our Chiropractic clinic has its own x-ray facilities so you don’t need to worry about travelling anywhere else for additional procedures.
Airy and bright spaces – At Life Effect, it’s warm, inviting and up lifting. We’ve created an environment that will positively impact your healing.
Expert team – The Chiropractors here are trained in safe, gentle and effective techniques that all ages can benefit from and we are also able to advise on general healthy living.
Why Choose Us
Don’t Suffer Any Longer
Back pain, neck issues, headaches and sports injuries – whatever you’re struggling with, we can help. Not just that but our team of Chiropractors can help to build your body up and prevent any further issues or injuries from occurring.
The process begins with a full-body examination and a lengthy discussion so that we can get to know you, your symptoms and your goals. Some want to get rid of all pain, without medication or surgery. Others simply want to get back to doing something that they love.
Either way, we’ll work with you to create a personalised care plan that fits in with your lifestyle.
Struggling with pain in your leg or lower back? You may have sciatica. Our Chiropractic techniques can help to release the trapped nerve feeling and get you on your feet again.
You don’t need to shrug off neck pain or stiffness. Our team of experts can advise on a plan to rebalance the interaction between your muscles, joints and discs.
Back problems can be debilitating but there’s plenty of quick and easy treatments that have no downtime afterwards.
These can be caused by a number of factors including posture. We’ll carry out a full body assessment before recommending bespoke treatment.
Pain in your back, neck, arm, leg or pelvis? It could be caused by one of 23 discs. A quick x-ray can help us to get to the cause of this though.
From sports injuries to the way you sit, stand and walk, our team can support your joints to strengthen and repair while building them up for the future.